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The impact of grounding on sleep and pain

Nov. 13, 2023


In the late 19th century, a return to nature movement in Germany claimed that walking outdoors barefoot had many benefits, even in cold weather. In the 1920s, Dr. White studied the practice of sleep grounding. Some people tell him that unless he is connected to the ground in some way, such as connecting copper wires to grounded water, gas, or radiator pipes, he cannot sleep. However, these ideas have never been popular in mainstream society.

At the end of the last century, OBO began experiments in the United States, as well as in Sokal and P companies. Sukar, Poland. Sokal revealed the important physiological and health benefits of grounding by using conductive pads, mattresses, EKG and tension type electrode patches, and indoor and outdoor grounding plates.

Grounding refers to the electrons that are connected to the surface of the Earth by walking barefoot outdoors or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors. These electrons are connected to the conductive system that transports moving electrons from the ground to the human body. Emerging scientific research supports the view that Earth electrons induce various physiological changes in clinical significance, including pain relief, improved sleep, the transition of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) from sympathetic to parasympathetic, and the hemodilution effect. Most basic participants described the improvement of symptoms, while most control groups did not. Some researchers report significant relief in asthma and respiratory tract, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS, sleep apnea.


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These results indicate that the impact of grounding is not just about alleviating pain and improving sleep. A pilot study evaluated the circadian rhythm of cortisol monitoring changes in sleep, pain, and stress (anxiety, depression, and irritability) through subjective reporting. Twelve participants who complained about sleep disorders, pain, and stress slept in their own bed for 8 weeks using a conductive mattress.

To obtain baseline measurements of cortisol, the subjects chewed polyester ointment for 2 minutes and then placed them in a sampling tube in the refrigerator, recording the storage time. Self management sample collection starts at 8 am and repeats every 4 hours. After 6 weeks of grounding, the subjects repeated this 24-hour saliva test. The sample was processed using standard radioimmunoassay methods, and Figure 1 shows the comprehensive results. During the 8-week testing period, there were daily reports of subjective symptoms of sleep disorders, pain, and stress. Most subjects with high or high nocturnal secretion levels improve through grounded sleep, as evidenced by the restoration of normal diurnal cortisol secretion. 11 out of 12 participants reported faster sleep speed, while all 12 reported lower frequency of waking up at night. On the basis of nighttime sleep, the body seems to have a positive impact on morning fatigue levels, daytime energy, and nighttime pain levels.


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